Consolidated balance sheet in € million
31/12/2022 31/12/2021
Fixed assets 972,37 893,12
Goodwill and intangible fixed assets 678,07 619,47
Property, plant and equipment 198,90 183,20
Companies consolidated using the equity method 36,99 42,95
Financial fixed assets at fair value 35,28 20,70
Deferred tax assets 8,63 9,91
Other long term receivables 14,50 16,89
Current assets 206,59 214,42
Inventories 20,92 15,15
Trade and other receivables 125,90 120,80
Tax receivables 4,13 0,23
Other current assets 23,31 28,91
Cash and cash equivalents 32,33 49,33
Assets held for sale 0,93 0,00
TOTAL ASSETS 1.179,89 1.107,54
Equity attributable to the shareholders 483,62 482,48
Minority interest 10,71 0,94
Non-current liabilities 223,26 214,17
Interest bearing loans and other borrowings 0,02 0,03
Lease liabilities 144,16 136,89
Pensions and other employee benefits 20,42 29,54
Provisions 4,72 1,45
Other long term liabilities 3,83 3,73
Deferred tax liabilities 50,11 42,53
Current liabilities 462,30 409,95
Interest bearing loans and other borrowings 86,40 42,25
Lease liabilities 22,85 22,29
Derivative financial instruments 0,00 0,01
Trade and other payables 98,00 91,57
Prepayments 106,91 110,41
Pensions and other employee benefits 7,49 12,29
Provisions 13,58 15,20
Tax payable 13,31 8,90
Employee related liabilities 58,30 56,01
Other current liabilities 55,46 51,02
Equity / Balance sheet total 41,0% 43,6%
Net financial cash / (debt) position* (54,09) 7,05
Net financial debt / REBITDA 0,27 -

* Interest-bearing loans minus cash, excluding IFRS 16 lease liabilities

Consolidated income statement in € million euro
2022 2021
RECURRING REVENUE 1.222,96 1.130,79
Raw materials (91,97) (59,33)
Services and miscellaneous goods (525,59) (489,52)
Personnel expenses (402,71) (361,89)
Other operating expenses (2,29) (4,23)
Operating expenses (1.022,56) (914,97)
REBITDA 200,40 215,82
Operating depreciations (44,70) (49,72)
OPERATING RESULT 155,70 166,10
Exceptional gains / (losses) (26,61) 24,66
Non operating depreciations and amortisation (28,27) (27,58)
Impairments and capital losses (1,64) (18,57)
EBIT 99,18 144,61
Results from financial assets (1,31) 0,01
Other financial income 1,07 0,84
Finance costs (5,40) (4,67)
Share in the profit (loss) of companies consolidated using the equity method 0,63 1,83
Result pre tax 94,17 142,62
Corporate tax (charge) / credit (28,71) (25,73)
NET RESULT 65,46 116,89
Attributable to:
- Shareholders of the group 65,26 117,32
- Minority shareholders 0,20 (0,43)

All figures in millions of euros Mediahuis prepares consolidated financial statements applying IFRS